Practicing Law from the Client's Perspective
Phone 603-717-0380 or 603-580-1015

Hebert & Dolder – NH Attorneys for Business Transactions

Hebert & Dolder, attorneys in Concord NH, can assist with the formation of your corporation or limited liability company. We also handle the sale or acquisition of a business or assetsAs New Hampshire attorneys highly experienced in small business law, we can assist with the formation of your corporation or limited liability company. We also handle the sale or acquisition of a business or assets.

In addition, we provide the following business-related services:

  • Trade name registrations
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Corporate and partnership dissolutions
  • Stock and membership sales and transfers

We can advise business clients in a wide range of legal issues, from the initial stages of their business formation through periods of expansion and dissolution, if necessary. We provide general legal counsel services to our small business clients.